Words To Live By.
These are words which may be new to you. The meanings given here are often related to our TUNA Website, but they are also quite useful in dayto day life. BARBLESS: fishhooks without barbs; most fishhooks have barbs to prevent caught fish from slipping off; in pole and line fishing the hooks do not have barbs.BENEFACTORS: those who help others; those who give aid to others.BUOYANT: the ability to remain afloat in water.CAMOUFLAGE: any way used to conceal one's self from an enemy or predator; especially by using the colors and shadows of your background.CANNIBALISTIC: the tendency to eat creatures like one's self.CENTIGRADE: a temperature scale from zero (0) degrees marking freezing, to one hundred (100) degrees marking the boiling point.COLDBLOODED: having a body temperature the same as the air or water around the body. This applies to most fish.CONFINED: kept within boundaries; restricted to certain areas.CRUSTACEANS: water animals with an outside skeleton or shell: lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and barnacles.DISCERN: to detect or perceive something that is supposed to be hidden or concealed.FAHRENHEIT: a temperatures scale that shows the freezing point of water at thirty-two (32) degrees and the boiling point of water at two hundred twelve (212) degrees. [Fahrenheit equals 1.8 Centigrade plus 32. Or: F=l.8C+32.]FERTILIZE: the process of bringing sperm to egg which makes the egg grow into an adult of that kind of creature.GILLS: the organ or part of a fish which takes oxygen out of the water and transfers the oxygen to the blood of the fish; usually located one each side at the place where the head becomes the body; and usually seen from the outside as a large curved slit in the side of the fish.IMPEDE: to obstruct the process; lots of fins sticking out and eyes bulging will obstruct or hinder the passage of the fish through the water.INTERDEPENDENT: "inter": between and among...+ "dependent": to rely on another...= relationships between and among creatures and systems in which each side relies upon the other.LARVA (plural: LARVAE): a worm-like newly born creature which will change with growth until it looks like its parents.LUNATE: in the form of a crescent; taken from the shape of the new moon. See your dictionary for "luna" and "lunar".MIGRATORY: to change location periodically, and especially to change location as seasons change.MOLLUSKS: invertebrate (having no backbone) sea animals with a shell such as clams, snails, oysters and mussles.NOMADS: no permanent place to live; wandering from place to place.PELAGIC: living in open oceans or seas, not near land.PERIL: danger, risk of harm, especially "near" danger such as when a hungry big fish is chasing a smaller fish, the smaller fish is in peril.PHENOMENAL: outstanding, remarkable, special.PREDATOR: one animal or fish that lives by hunting and eating others.RESEMBLE: to be like something else; to look like something other than one's self. A resemblance is a "look-alike" but not a mirror image.SPAWNING: to deposit eggs, especially fish in water.STREAMLINED: the shape of a body made to offer as little resistance as possible to flow; as a rocket is to the flow of air; or as the TUNA is to the flow of water.STUPOR: a state of reduced sensibility; lethargy; daze.SUBORDER: scientists have arranged categories for all creatures, and the category in which we find TUNA is a "suborder". This is smaller than an "order", but larger than a "family". You will notice in the "Close-ups" of the various TUNA that each has two Latin or scientific names; the first is capitalized but the second is not; the second in this case is the "specie" of that particular fish. For example, the Albacore is "Thunnus alalunga," and his specie is "alalunga."SYSTEM: a group of elements or parts related to each other to make a whole; the system is not complete, and does not function well, unless all the parts are in place. The system needs all its parts.TEMPERATE: neither hot nor cold: mild.TROPICAL: hot and humid; within the very warm regions either side of the equator
BARBLESS: fishhooks without barbs; most fishhooks have barbs to prevent caught fish from slipping off; in pole and line fishing the hooks do not have barbs.BENEFACTORS: those who help others; those who give aid to others.BUOYANT: the ability to remain afloat in water.CAMOUFLAGE: any way used to conceal one's self from an enemy or predator; especially by using the colors and shadows of your background.CANNIBALISTIC: the tendency to eat creatures like one's self.CENTIGRADE: a temperature scale from zero (0) degrees marking freezing, to one hundred (100) degrees marking the boiling point.COLDBLOODED: having a body temperature the same as the air or water around the body. This applies to most fish.CONFINED: kept within boundaries; restricted to certain areas.CRUSTACEANS: water animals with an outside skeleton or shell: lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and barnacles.DISCERN: to detect or perceive something that is supposed to be hidden or concealed.FAHRENHEIT: a temperatures scale that shows the freezing point of water at thirty-two (32) degrees and the boiling point of water at two hundred twelve (212) degrees. [Fahrenheit equals 1.8 Centigrade plus 32. Or: F=l.8C+32.]FERTILIZE: the process of bringing sperm to egg which makes the egg grow into an adult of that kind of creature.GILLS: the organ or part of a fish which takes oxygen out of the water and transfers the oxygen to the blood of the fish; usually located one each side at the place where the head becomes the body; and usually seen from the outside as a large curved slit in the side of the fish.IMPEDE: to obstruct the process; lots of fins sticking out and eyes bulging will obstruct or hinder the passage of the fish through the water.INTERDEPENDENT: "inter": between and among...+ "dependent": to rely on another...= relationships between and among creatures and systems in which each side relies upon the other.LARVA (plural: LARVAE): a worm-like newly born creature which will change with growth until it looks like its parents.LUNATE: in the form of a crescent; taken from the shape of the new moon. See your dictionary for "luna" and "lunar".MIGRATORY: to change location periodically, and especially to change location as seasons change.MOLLUSKS: invertebrate (having no backbone) sea animals with a shell such as clams, snails, oysters and mussles.NOMADS: no permanent place to live; wandering from place to place.PELAGIC: living in open oceans or seas, not near land.PERIL: danger, risk of harm, especially "near" danger such as when a hungry big fish is chasing a smaller fish, the smaller fish is in peril.PHENOMENAL: outstanding, remarkable, special.PREDATOR: one animal or fish that lives by hunting and eating others.RESEMBLE: to be like something else; to look like something other than one's self. A resemblance is a "look-alike" but not a mirror image.SPAWNING: to deposit eggs, especially fish in water.STREAMLINED: the shape of a body made to offer as little resistance as possible to flow; as a rocket is to the flow of air; or as the TUNA is to the flow of water.STUPOR: a state of reduced sensibility; lethargy; daze.SUBORDER: scientists have arranged categories for all creatures, and the category in which we find TUNA is a "suborder". This is smaller than an "order", but larger than a "family". You will notice in the "Close-ups" of the various TUNA that each has two Latin or scientific names; the first is capitalized but the second is not; the second in this case is the "specie" of that particular fish. For example, the Albacore is "Thunnus alalunga," and his specie is "alalunga."SYSTEM: a group of elements or parts related to each other to make a whole; the system is not complete, and does not function well, unless all the parts are in place. The system needs all its parts.TEMPERATE: neither hot nor cold: mild.TROPICAL: hot and humid; within the very warm regions either side of the equator
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