What is the history of Tuna Fish?
Tuna is a noble and mysterious fish with an interesting history.
Ancient Greeks and other Mediterraneans considered this elusive fish, known as Thunnos, a great delicacy.
The Incas and other South American civilisations along the Pacific
prized this same catch, which they called Xatunkama.
Later, centuries of fishermen developed new techniques for catching
tuna, but they still could not determine where the fish were spawned or how they travelled thousands of miles though unknown
routes in the depths of the sea.
We now know a lot more about the tuna fish that these people
could not understand. For example, Southern Bluefin only swim in waters between 18° C and 22° C, Striped and Yellowfin swim
in waters up to 28° C and swim in warm currents that run below the surface in the oceans and coastal waters.
Tuna belong to the Scombroid family along with mackerel, bonito
and swordfish. They are beautifully streamlined, with sharply pointed noses, tapering tails and crescent-shaped fins. Their
bodies are round, firm and strong, and they are swift swimmers, they have been known to clock up speeds of up to 67kph.