of Peace and
Inner Tranquility
The Tuna Kingdom through Karen Danrich Mila
September 1, 2002
Illustration: Silk Painting by Judith Roderick - Available Here
have long been fascinated with the underwater realities that the fish, dolphin and whale kingdoms live within. Often
humans build large tanks in the form of aquariums to expose our world to the land-based world for observation, understanding,
and the peace that our world exudes. For under the water, there is greater peace than upon the land and within the air.
Therefore we notice how much peace humans find in either being near the water, or in visiting or owning an aquarium.
Mila once had a small aquarium that she filled with angelfish, catfish and other small fresh water species and plants.
She enjoyed much watching her aquarium, until finally over time her karma with such species was complete, and she gave the
aquarium and fish away to her roommates as she relocated into a new home.
Fish experience your connection unto
us through the aquariums that humans have constructed. We also experience your connection to us as you venture to be
by the sea or a lake, river or stream where we reside, or venture onto the water upon a boat. How do we experience human
consciousness? We experience your discord beloved. It is our nature to absorb your discord dissipating it through
the element of water allowing humans the experience of greater peace in association with the aquatic realms.
Because most fish species have little
verbal ability and do not make sound, humans have thought of us as below animal life in nature, or less aware. In reality
this is not so, as all aquatic species are associated with one or more land-based species for the purposes of soul experience,
and to allow for a global presence. Tuna is associated with Buffalo, Salmon with Crow and Flounder with Bear.
In essence the consciousness of all three of our species, Tuna, Salmon and Flounder are speaking forth through this piece
to allow humans a better understanding of our reality. We experience both life upon the land and life within the sea
in the above six forms. Life upon the land and in the sea is diverse as such but there are areas of grand similarity.
The largest similarity is peace.
The life of a Buffalo that is unencumbered
from hunting by mankind is by and large a peaceful existence. The life of a crow, however noisy, is also peaceful.
The life of Bear also is peaceful as long as food is plentiful. At this time, Bear in particular is shifting to a vegetarian
diet through genetic modifications coming into physicality through ascension. This is also so for most species of dolphins
and whales that often hunt Tuna to subsist. As such our six species shall exit the experience of carnivorous behavior
in the coming cycle, and this will allow for even a greater level of peace amongst us all.
Hunting and being hunted is not peaceful,
for one is always in fear of being consumed. Tuna, Salmon and Flounder are always on the lookout for that which wishes
to consume us, and this interrupts our peace, much as Bears hunting and consumption of Salmon or other small mammals likewise
disturbs the peace. As all species in the sea evolve towards vegetarianism, including the dolphin and whale kingdoms,
then we will cease to be hunted forevermore.
As long as we are not being hunted,
there is a level of peace that we carry in present time that humans have by and large forgotten. Therefore each may
attune into our kingdoms to experience peace, the peace that comes from the quiet non-verbal and non-sound-based reality that
our underwater world experiences. Why is non-sound so peaceful? In the act of speaking or toning, one causes energy
to vibrate. Vibrations that humans have fallen into are primarily dissonant; therefore there is a more peaceful state
attained in the act of non-speaking or silence in human form.
Indeed we have observed Mila go for
days in her early ascent without speaking to anyone, but actively listening to her guidance. There was little to be
said out loud in this experience, and she came to greater peace in such times than later on, when her work carried her forth
to teach, heal and interact with others more frequently. There is peace in silence, and perhaps those reading this material
will take a day now and again to simply be in the silence, and be in the peace. As the dissonance of sound fades, ones
ability to attune to ones soul and the guidance flowing from the nature kingdoms increases exponentially. One can spend
such time by the sea, or in the country, hiking through the woods or sitting by or upon a lake. In the connection to
nature, one will feel the peace that we exist within.
There are many other non-verbal non-sound
based species upon the land. Many of these are small mammals such as ferrets, skunk and opossum. Ferrets, skunk,
and opossum do not have vocal chords and this is why there is no sound that is emitted in the life of their species.
So this is also so for much of the insect kingdom such as bees, spiders and ants, although bees create a sound with the beating
of the wings which can be akin to producing a tone. Therefore bees experience another form of non-verbal sound, which
occurs due to flight, as do many birds such as hummingbirds. However hummingbirds also have vocal cords, as do most
other members of the bird species, and so bees are different.
What is the purpose of producing sound?
Sound can be equated to a representation of the tones of creation that are sounded through the molecular rotation of form.
There is a symphony of sound that occurs twenty-four hours per day in all form, but is in the background and running upon
a molecular level. Most humans cannot hear the sound of the molecules in the form. However some human musicians
such as Beethoven, Debussy and Chopin along with Mozart could attune to this symphony of sound, and brought such symphonies
and music through in their lifetimes. Such musicians were tuning into the sound of nature at 2 strands of DNA, and listening
to the symphonies produced as the molecules upon the land or under the water in Europe rotated together amongst many species
at once.
In more recent times, many new musicians
have brought through the rotation of nature at 12 strands along with 1024 strands and higher as nature has begun to evolve
through ascension. Yanni brought through a series of symphonies that are a reflection of the new sound that 12 strands
of DNA made upon a molecular level as reflected in natures ascent. Enya has tuned into the ascent from 1024 to 2200
in her music, which often sounds like a chorus of angels. This too was the sound of the molecular rotation of nature
in her ascent to 2000 strands of DNA. One will notice in Enyas music how mournful it sometimes is; indeed our ascent
has resulted in the processing of great pain that the biology and cellular structure was in, and this was reflected in our
symphony of sound and later picked up and brought through by Enya.
Nature is transcending the pain beloved;
and the new music reflecting natures symphonies will be much more joyful from this point forward. There are other musicians
tuning into our tones of creation too, but are less well known. Some may well become as popular as Enya and Yanni into
the future transcribing our joy as Earth heads towards Bodhisattva level evolution or 6000 strands of DNA as a planet.
For ascending beings, one is often attracted
to the music that reflects ones own inner state of being. Mila cried and cried listening to Enyas mournful music early
in Mila's ascent. Enya gave musical voice to the pain that Milas own form was in. As Mila ascended beyond the
pain and grief, Enyas music no longer appealed, as it no longer reflected her own inner state of being. As this occurred,
the music was left behind, and new music sought after that was more resonant. Much of the new music Mila listens to
is Hawaiian, along with other cultures that she and Oa have an opportunity to experience in their travels and teaching.
Music gives a non-verbal understanding
of the expression of any human culture, and the nature kingdoms that live nearby, and the sound of the land therein.
Hawaiian music is often joyful and playful in nature. So is the Hula dance that accompanies the music. Hawaii
exists in the heart of Earth where there is not only the remembrance of joy and love, but also greater joy and love emerging
due to Earths global ascension. Such sound is produced by the molecules of all species living upon the land or within
the sea surrounding Hawaii, and the Hawaiians tune into this sound and bring it through in their music and dance.
Native American music is often a combination
of mournful sounds of flute, along with chanting and drums. This too is the result of tuning into the sound of the land
and the nature kingdoms in North America, which is in great pain. One will also notice some popular Native American
musicians are finding their way to a more joyful expression in music, such as Carlos Nakai. This too is a reflection
of the evolution of sound occurring as parts of North America have ascended into the joy again. North Americas chakra
in the Banff Region of Canada is heading beyond Bodhisattva in vibration, and therefore there is great joy emanating through
all of nature for the surrounding 800 miles. Some musicians living near this region are tuning into the joy and bringing
through music that more deeply resonates with the molecular rotation of all species therein.
Many cultures offer joyful music.
South American pan flute music from the Andes is joyful. Latin music is sultry at times and joyful at others.
The sultry part of Latin music has to do with the sexual energy that has continued to move through the South American continents,
and as the Latino people tuned into such sexual energy, sultry music is what was heard as the molecular rotation of all land
based kingdoms was listened to. The joyful and playful side to Latin music has to do with the joy that the land is in
as the sexual energy moves.
There are two major chakra centers in
South America, one over Cancun Mexico, and the other over Argentina and Bolivia. The Joy of Hispanic Music is a reflection
of the joy of the land in which such a chakra spins. The Cancun chakra has not been heavily compromised, nor the land,
leading to a more joyful sound as the molecules of all species therein rotates. So this is reflected in the music in
Mexico and their wonderful Mariachi bands. The Argentine region in contrast has known great pain, and this was reflected
in the mournful sound of the Argentine Tango that developed and gained popularity therein.
The pain was from the slowing of energy
due to radioactive and nuclear testing that was run underground during the era of the Annanuki. Much of this underground
radiation has been cleared in Earths global ascent to date, except for that which sits under the larger cities populated by
humanity within Argentina and her bordering countries. Humans attuning to the less populated places out in the country
will notice greater joy now coming from the land however, and the music will evolve in such nations accordingly.
India and Tibet are also related to
another major global chakra center that holds information from more ancient times in Earths history. Indeed the music
developed in such regions is a reflection of an old scale of sound and tone that came with the Sirian Red Race as it was seeded
upon earth some 50,000 years ago. Asian, Indian and Tibetan music is founded upon a nine-note scale. This scale
is more resonant with a magnetic system. This scale and the music created as a result is also a reflection of the sound
of the molecular rotation of all kingdoms upon the land in such regions, which have retained the original magnetic sound of
your creation and 9-note scale.
Greece, Spain, and Europe attune to
an 8-note scale. This scale came from the Pleiades and is related to the era of the Annanuki. As the Annanuki
(Greek and Roman Gods) gained dominion some 45,000 years ago, their sound permeated all kingdoms associated with the land
that they held dominion over. This is why European music is founded upon an 8-note scale as the Annanuki had made this
region their home. The 8-note scale was imported from Europe by the early settlers of the United States and Canada,
but is not the original scale of the North American Continent. Nor was it the original scale in South America until
after the Spaniard Conquistadors conquered the original Mayan and other indigenous Indian populations. Over time
the 8-note scale of the Europeans and Spaniards over-road the 9-note scale in North and South America due to the growing population
of European-based humans, much like the Annanuki over road the 9-note scale of the European continent during their incarnation.
The 8-note scale can produce sound and
songs that are either mournful or joyful, or move between the two, depending upon major or minor keys utilized. The
8-note scale is indicative therefore of a fall into polarity which was augmented by the Plieadian era of dominion, as happy
music represents the polarity of joy, and sad music represents the polarity of pain or loss. In contrast the 9-note
scale produces music that is not polarized or has one particular sound only, as in Indian and Japanese music. Non-polarity
can be equated to unity. The 9-note scale is all that remains of the unity based tones seeded by Sirius.
The Pleiades exist in a parallel Universe
and hold a different type of system that is electrical and radioactive in nature, and the 8-note scale is a reflection of
an electrical and radioactive creation. Within the Pleiades, the 8-note scale is not polarized, as it is resonant with
the molecular structure of their creation. As the 8-note scale was anchored into a system that was more resonant with
a 9-note scale, there was a missing note or tone. This caused the tones within both the 8 and 9-note scale to swing
from one extreme to another when intermixed, much like a top that is not balanced sways from side to side. This swaying
of the tones of creation of Earth due to the introduction of the 8-note scale caused polarity-based extremes of periods of
creation followed by periods of destruction to emerge, not only for the human species, but also for all life upon earth.
The more that the 8-note scale dominated, the larger the period of destruction became, leading to a nuclear annihilation in
the warfare between the Annanuki.
Why were the Annanuki thrown off balance
to a point of war and no return? They were not of a 9-note scale. All of Earth vibrated to a 9-note sound.
Over time the Annanukis own sound became distorted in the intermixing of the two orchestras. One can liken such a sound
to having music from India playing along with a Chopin Waltz; the confusion and discord is painful to listen to; and over
time this is what the region that the Annanuki lived within sounded like. The dissonance from the land transferred ultimately
to their own biology, leading to dissonance in their own family relations; and dissonance great enough for two members to
war upon one another to the bitter end resulting in a nuclear winter.
This dissonance from the era of the
Annanuki is apart of human form today. Many humans hold lineages from the Annanuki or their slave race bred in a laboratory
that resonates at an 8 note scale of sound. Many also hold ancestry to the red seeded race that holds a 9 note scale
of sound. Parts of the form drawn in genetic materials from the Annanuki ancestry have one music playing upon a molecular
level, and the parts of the form drawn from the red seeded race have another, and the dissonance between the two is much like
a Chopin waltz playing against music from India. This leads ultimately to aging, disease and a short lifespan of all
with such dissonance within the form.
Through biological ascension,
gradually the 8 and 9 note scales are removed and replaced with a new scale altogether, which has a 10 note octave and known
as the Language of Light (see Language of Light upon our website for more information). Human map carvers along with Earth in her global ascent have found that
trying to move from an electrical 8 note to magnetic 9-note scale through ascension is too difficult. The 9-note scale
continuously moves back into distortion and polarity. Therefore a new scale has been developed that is stronger than
either of the previous scales known upon Earth and magnetic in nature. The Language of Light that Earth is evolving
into is a 10-note scale, and one day humans will attune to this scale and sound that is produced and bring through a different
and new set of musical instruments and sound from what has been produced in the past. Such music may sound more akin
to a blending of eastern and western sound, which is a reflection of the unity that is born through ascension.
In the 9-note scale, there are four
notes above and four below a pivot note, and the fifth note is the pivot note. It is the pivot note that represents
the path of unity or the middle road in which all remains in balance in the 9-note scale. However, it is easy for the
9 notes to be pushed into polarity; and this Earth has learned in her dance with the Annanuki. It only took a small
number of humans to push Earth into polarity, as there was only a family of 12 Plieadians that arrived 46,000 years ago. Although
they were small in number, the 8-note scale that they ran was more powerful than the 9-note scale that Earth had relied upon
and over-road Earths inherent sound. The two scales and music that resulted together created great dissonance, and as
this occurred a fall in consciousness was the outcome, for all falls in consciousness are the result of dissonance of sound.
Neither the 8 or 9-note scale can override
the 10-note scale pulling it back into polarity, or so Earth has found in her own ascension into the 10 note scale.
The 10-note scale stands upon its own in a solid unity based system of sound. Why is this so? There is not just
one pivot note. Pivot notes are fragile as all it requires is one side to become more weighted than the other, and then
the balance ceases and the sound begins to sway or wobble from side to side becoming sour. As the 8-note scale was applied
to earth through Annanuki and their scientific manipulations, the 9-note scale failed to hold its balance causing all of Earth
to go into sour sound and into polarity.
In contrast, the 10-note scale, there
are two notes holding the pivot point, and four notes on either side. The two notes that are the pivot points are stronger
at holding unity than a single note, causing the sounds to be less subject to moving into distortion once embodied.
This allows those who are ascending to sound great symphonies of lovely melodies that are harmonious together, leading to
the experience of harmony and peace within, and harmony and peace to be retained in the interaction with others who are not
ascending and remain in the dissonance and discord. For the 10-note scale is not so easily pulled off center.
Earth is moving on to Bodhisattva level
evolution in her global vibration, and is on track to embody the 10-note scale upon a global level no later than 2006.
As this occurs, the tones of creation will become Language of Light or 10-note based for all of earth. Global ascension
is measured by an overall average vibration; therefore 6000 strands shall translate into Earth as a whole measuring 6000 strands
as an average. This will leave pockets of vibrations lower and pockets higher, with a range anticipated of 2200 at the
bottom and 18,000 strands as an upper range. As this occurs, the magnetic and 10-note tones of creation shall override
the remaining dissonance of those species or humans still vibrating in the 8 or 9-note scales, as there will be more power
behind the 10-note scale at this level of global evolution.
It is anticipated that attaining Global
Bodhisattva level evolution shall lead to the emergence of a new era of peace and unity for all species upon Earth, including
humankind. For the 10-note scale produces peace, and internal state of peace and well being that may be felt by all
species including those still vibrating in the 8 or 9 note tones of creation. This birth of peace shall augment the
movement towards the new golden era ahead of unity-based relations.
Already many places under major chakra
centers such as Banff and Hawaii have surpassed this level of evolution and are moving on to 8000 to 12,000 strands of DNA.
The harmony of the 10-note scale therefore can be felt as humans choose to visit such regions and experience the peace and
joy of the new sound of the new golden era ahead. However, as many an initiate associated with Mila and Oa have found,
moving to such regions is a whole other story. Such regions are vibrating so rapidly that an ascending initiate is pulled
upwards very rapidly in vibration. If one is not ready for such a leap, living upon such land can be very difficult.
However those that do will move more rapidly towards the goal of Bodhisattva level evolution in human form.
Those in human form who ascend to Bodhisattva
likewise move into unity again as one embodies all 48 Language of Light tones of creation. Taking the physical form
from a sour sounding set of sounds to a non-sour and resonant set of tones requires much transmutation of thought-form and
cellular structure. This is what ascension is all about. Mila and her beloved Oa have documented the emotional
and psychological aspects of ascension in their articles, and for those in their Group Mastery Program, and in-depth study
of this path is offered unto those who wish it. Let Tuna, Salmon and Flounder suffice to say that it is not an easy
journey, and is best therefore if it occurs in stages or generations. This too is what Earth has planned for all species
upon Earth; a gradual evolutionary shift upwards towards the Language of Light tones of creation and the related 10 note scale
and the symphony of sound over the coming 18 future generations.
Earth will not master the 10-note Language
of Light scale within all biological form until each species attains full consciousness or 36,000 strands of DNA. This
is anticipated to occur between 2035 and 2050. As this occurs, both the 8 and 9 note scale will cease in sound upon
Earth altogether, and Earth will enter yet a deeper level of unity as a consensus reality at this future point in time.
For each species, this shall birth a time in which unity amongst all shall emerge. This all species upon Earth look
forward to. It has been a long hard painful road into distortion beloved. To say otherwise would be a lie.
However this time in history heralds the possibility of moving back into the harmony together, and upon a biological, energetic,
emotional and molecular level. This is what biological ascension is all about.
What about your current populace of
teenagers who listen to head banger and other forms of discordant electrical music? Such music is the result of the
introduction of yet more electrical energy that has been harvested by humanity and is mirrored back in the dissonant sound
of the molecular rotation of the land inside and surrounding your major cities. Such sound is so harsh and sour that
music has been produced by the young folk that resonate with it. Indeed Oas son listened to such discordant types of
music for a time and became suicidal and depressed. Oa made an agreement with his son to cease to listen to such music
and offered to purchase him anything else he wished for a two-month period. For a few months as Oas son listened to
many other types of music the depression and suicidal feelings disappeared. After the two-month agreement was over however,
his son went back to the same discordant music and became depressed again.
Why do young people do this, continue
to listen to music that causes one to become depressed and suicidal? Or worse yet violent and abusive towards self or
others? Violence is either expressed outward or inward, and one can see in this why the increasing violence has occurred
in particular in human cities of large populations due to the dissonance of the electrical tones of creation therein.
The dissonance of the trapped electrical energy causes violence and dissonance within, which becomes expressed as violence
towards ones fellow humans.
The violence in the human cities was
not as prevalent before the introduction of electricity this century past. However there was some violence in
cities of London, Rome and Paris back in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Why is this so? Even before electrical
energy was introduced, changes in human building technology within the past few centuries, used primarily in cities, caused
retention of radioactive energy. This occurred with the introduction of cement, which holds on to radioactive energy
and thought-form. Earth is continually passing through radioactive energy or radioactive showers that exist in the universe
that your solar system is traversing through. Human cities act as holding tanks for radioactivity due to the cement
and in more recent times, steel rebar used in their construction.
Radioactivity is as dissonant as electricity,
although a higher octave of such. However over time and as the radioactivity builds up, it causes dissonance upon the
land and the humans living upon the land attune to it, vibrating in dissonance as well; the result is violent human expression,
which again is a reflection of the dissonance within expressed outward, and in the more recent dissonant forms of music.
It is for this reason that Mila and Oa suggest that ascending initiates move out of the city and even suburbs if possible
and into the country. In the country one will hear a new music sounding from the land, and one that will foster ones
own ascent into harmony.
One can also spend time near the water,
or choose to live near water. Water, especially large bodies of water such as the ocean, dissipates both electricity
and radioactivity. As a result, going to be with the lake or upon the ocean has the affect of clearing the radioactive
and electrical distortion from ones field. This is why one may find peace in such places. Such places will also
augment ones ascent, as ascension requires the ongoing discharge and detoxification of all radioactive and electrical frequencies,
and embodying magnetic tones of creation in their place.
All humans at this time have an opportunity
to ascend out of the great dissonance that living in a form with only 2 strands of DNA places one within. All lineages
can ascend to a bare minimum of 1024 at this time in history. Although this is far more difficult to accomplish in your
inner cities; at this time, there is no place upon Earth that vibrates much lower than 200 strands. Earth is pushing
up upon a global scale. Therefore even the cities are on the rise in vibration, and this too will trigger those living
therein to ascend provided that the body is strong enough to accomplish the task. 1024 is less susceptible to the dissonance
that head banger and other dissonant music reflects, and one may simply witness humans evolving out of such forms of entertainment
in the coming decade as a result of their own ascent to 1024 or higher.
Head banger and dissonant types of electrical
sound are a reflection of the impending extinction of the human species that would occur without the ascension movement.
Human consciousness fell again after the nuclear bombs detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and in the continued
nuclear testing that your scientists perpetrated thereafter. Such dissonant types of music or sound occurred internal
to the human form as humans fell below 2 strands of DNA to 1.5 strands. At 1.5 strands, the molecular sound is even
more greatly dissonant and off key, much akin to the very music discordant and electrical music created that reflects it.
Those caught at 1.5 strands may not be able to ascend, but will most likely exit this incarnation through death. Approximately
8% of the current world population has fallen to this level of vibration and sound. Those who can ascend will simply
evolve out of an interest in such music as the genetics and molecular structure evolves beyond such a sound, as it will no
longer resonate.
Music allows humans to access a non-verbal
side of the dance of life, provided that the music does not have words, or as Mila and Oa found, has only words in a foreign
language that they do not understand. Mila and Oa have found it much easier to listen to music in other languages if
there are words, as otherwise they are pulled back into the old discordant paradigm through the very music that they listen
to. Therefore one solution for ascending initiates is to choose music from foreign countries, if one likes vocal and
folk style music in particular. Hawaiian music is often spoken in Hawaiian, which is beautiful. Hawaiian is all
that remains of the Lemurian language of the original red seeded race, and holds inherent in its spoken word symbols that
parallel the Language of Light.
Why should one be careful about the
lyrics one listens to? Often the words of country western or pop music focus upon heartache and loss. As an ascending
initiate, whatever one focuses upon one draws unto oneself to experience, for the focus is like sending a vision for the dream
that one wishes to experience to the sun, and then living to have such a dream step down into form. Therefore one will
not wish to sing along with love gone wrong songs, unless one wishes to experience a love gone wrong life experience.
Before Oa arrived, and Riza was anchored
as a soul, Mila listened to such pop music continuously, often singing along. Riza after she was anchored forced Mila
give all such music away claiming, Give this stuff away! Such sap and crap! What Riza was really saying is that
if Mila continued to listen to such lyrics, she would end up creating the loss of her relationship with her beloved Oa.
And so Riza put a stop to such a focus. Therefore Tuna advises human initiates to pay attention to what one is listening
to, and choose only those songs with lyrics that support ones internal evolution, life dance and the global evolution of Earth.
Music that is acoustic is perhaps a
good alternative choice, and one that Oa prefers. Acoustic music captures the non-verbal dance of life from the point
of view of the aquatic realms. Acoustic music that is harmonious will cause the form to move into greater harmony when
listened to. Mila and Oa often use such music for meditations at home and in their workshops. The new age section
in any music store is filled with a load of such music, and this too is a reflection of the evolution of all species upon
earth. Such musicians are tuning into natures changing sounds of creation and capturing them in an acoustic and non-verbal
By in large, anything that causes one
to become more centered and peaceful within is supportive of ascension, whether it is a journey into nature, or listening
to peaceful music. That which supports ascension will augment the journey rather than conflict with the journey.
Perhaps listening to such music will allow the discordant tasks one may require fulfilling upon due to karmic contracts to
be less discordant. Perhaps one can play such music at work and find greater inner peace as a result, even if one is
listening through a set of head phones to not disturb ones fellow workmates. This the aquatic realms can suggest for
those that must bridge the old paradigm as map carvers of ascension. So this can also be so in travel or a long drive.
Mila has learned to take her CDs along and listen to peaceful music and meditate upon long plane flights rather than watching
a discordant or violent movie. Listening to peaceful music may also make the commute through heavy traffic more bearable
allowing one to remain in greater peace and centeredness.
One may create a more peaceful environment
at home or in the office in the addition of a water fountain or aquarium. Before Mila and Oa lived near water and the
oceans of Hawaii-Nei, they had running water in the form of small fountains in every room. Such fountains can be created
very inexpensively by putting together a bowl of rocks one finds out upon a walk in the country along with a $10 aquarium
pump. Place the pump in the center of the bowl covering it with rocks or minerals, and fill the bowl with water.
Then turn on the pump and one will have the lovely sound of a bubbly brook right in ones own living room or office.
The water will assist in humidifying
the room. Crystalline skin and tissue prefers a humid climate to a dry one. Mila and Oa also learned to fill their
home with live plants in addition to the running water. The plants assisted in providing added oxygen in a region of
the Bay Area that they then lived which had heavy air pollution. Ascending forms require oxygen, and one means of providing
this for oneself is to surround oneself with houseplants, either at home or at work.
To this day, Mila and Oa utilize candles
and incense in their events and at home to create an atmosphere of peace and unity. Many may not realize that the floral
or spicy scents one may be attracted to in incense and a candle is actually the smell of unity. At another time, the
human form and all species existed in unity together and smelled like flowers and spices. This was so when the 9 note
scale was solely prevalent in the human energy field and upon Earth, and when form existed in a fully consciousness biology
with 36,000 strands of DNA. Much like a newborn child that smells sweet, humans and all of nature smelled sweet with
such harmonious biology, regardless of age. Form also knew a lengthy lifespan that did not age. Death was chosen
at the end of the life through conscious intent and because the person or species felt complete with their experience in form.
Humans today have a preoccupation with
smelling good and utilize sometimes very toxic substances to kill body odors. Humans also have a preoccupation with
their breath smelling sweet, and teeth appearing white, and the skin appearing young. Perhaps this preoccupation is
simply a remembrance of earlier times where such a state of being was simply the way it was. In the falls and the mixing
of the 8 and 9-note scale, humans not only began to age, but also began to stink. The odor was simply the result of
the body aging and rotting in the dissonance of sound within. As humans return to a harmonious sound again through ascension,
the body odor fades to one that smells fresh and beautiful. One also ceases to age, and as long as one is in balance
in the biology, the breath also smells sweet.
For many ascending initiates, one may
well be aware of ongoing body odor that is at times almost unbearable. This is simply the result of the decay that is
being detoxified from the form in ascension. Take a swim or bath in the water and allow the odor to fade away.
Eat fruit, green leafy vegetables and herbs such as mint to absorb the odor. Use some lovely bath salts and cream that
smells like flowers to remind oneself of where one is headed. For one day you or your future ancestors will smell like
a field of flowers, and this will indeed be indicative of the return to unity within, and a new symphony of sound playing
in ones molecular structure that is in absolute harmony.
And so what do the fish kingdoms have
to say to our ascending initiates today? Be at peace; find preoccupations that allow you to move into peace beloved.
Create an environment at home and work that augments peace. As you focus upon peace, the movement towards peace upon
an internal and biological level will be supported and sustained. Internal peace will cause global peace as enough vibrate
in the peace. In due course, and as enough humans ascend into peace, there will be global peace within the human dance.
As the music changes to harmony and joy, all will learn to sing along in harmony and joy again.
One may also attune to the underwater
worlds, bringing the peace therein into ones home. Call upon Tuna, Salmon and Flounder for this purpose as one needs
it in ones continued ascent. We will teach you of the peace that can be found in the silence.
Until our next communication,
The Underwater Kingdoms